Saturday, September 8, 2007

Hunger Following Stomach Flu

warning signals of the wireless network

risks pulse waves were recorded in a new U.S. study. Calls to toughen standards increase. In Germany, caution is recommended at home.

R isk increased childhood leukemia, brain cancer, Alzheimer's, acoustic disturbances, nervous disorders varied, modified DNA, sleep disorders is a new warning message that launched a score of American Scientists, Physicians for the most part.

Posted on Friday, their voluminous report "Bio Initiative (1) a synthesis of hundreds of studies on the health impact of electromagnetic fields on humans:" The unhindered deployment of wireless technologies is likely to be risky and difficult to counter if the corporation does not timely decisions on new exposure limits , the report concludes. As it is not realistic reconstruct all electric distribution systems in the short term, steps to reduce exposure linked to existing systems must be initiated and encouraged, particularly in places where children spend time "

You can not see, feel it, taste it? " Electromagnetic pollution is yet the most pervasive exposure to which humans are subjected in the West, experts note . Our society can no longer afford to wait before acting "

Wait, is yet the credo of the World Health Organization (WHO), whose reassuring speech (see page 3) is the opposite signs of scientific concern since launched nearly six years (hits Freiburg in 2002, Helsinki in 2005 and of Benvento in 2006). New echo these concerns, the debate on the possible banning of Wi-Fi in schools in Britain. For its part, the German government has discouraged the use of wi-fi at home and "prefer as much as possible the use of traditional wired solutions rather than wireless connections"

And in Belgium? "We currently working on a new note on this issue , says Professor André Vander Vorst, a member of the Higher Health Council (SSC) in Belgium and the Netherlands. It should be completed in December. I simply recall that, if we want to act in a prudent manner, it should consider the amount of exposure to which an individual may be subjected. That is why the Federal Supreme Council had recommended in 2004 not to exceed 3 volts per meter - in any place and at any moment "

Ignoring this recommendation, the federal government preferred outgoing adopt a royal decree requiring operators do not exceed 20.6 volts per meter. Six times more than the recommendation advocated by scientists, but two times less than the maximum recommended by WHO. "The WHO recommendations are outdated and reflect only the thermal effects of electromagnetic fields on health thundered John Delcoigne, association Teslabel. But the health effects are already apparent at levels well below three volts per meter recommended by the Board of Health The association, which appealed to the State Council, hopes to repeat the cancellation of federal standards, as in 2005. And confront the next government to the need for new standards on floor despite the outcry from the industry.

Meanwhile, the smog is more dense: 8,000 relay stations are listed on Belgian soil - and if we are to believe the prophecies concerning the "third generation telephony, this figure should increase by 50% by the end of the decade.

Vigilance, then? "The emphasis on the risks of wi-fi, but In my view, the digital wireless phones type "DECT" used in private homes are a far greater danger , says André Vander Vorst. This legacy technology industry can manage a dozen communications simultaneously and continuously transmits 24 hours 24 in the home. So that the intensity of the emitted field is much higher than the radiation from antennas GSM

Should we therefore focus on the good old wireless? For the Belgian scientist, extreme caution must prevail until 2015, when the decline will be sufficient to judge the impact Global mobile health. And if they can not ban certain technologies like these type phones DECT, a member of the Supreme Council expects public authorities to require manufacturers to inform consumers about the power of these phones and other baby-phones "Wireless. Then perhaps one day to see this wording: " This unit can seriously harm your health. "

The press report Bio Initiative

Journal Le Soir : Should we be afraid of the wireless network?