Tuesday, October 16, 2007

How To Stop The Ascid In My Throath

Mobile phones promote brain tumors

The World - Herve Morin - paper edition dated 13/10/2007

mobile phone use is harmful to health, not just driving. An analysis of eighteen studies concluded that beyond ten years of using a cellphone, the risk of developing a malignant brain tumor - glioma - the side where the device is worn in the ear would multiplied by two. This condition occurs annually about 6 100 people 000. For violations of the acoustic nerve - neuroma - the risk would be two and half times higher in these same conditions.

Published online by the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM), this analysis led by Lennart Hardell Sweden (Orebro University) and Kjell Hansson (Umea University), contradicts a study published in September in Great Britain, that "there has not been shown that the motives were associated with adverse biological or deleterious.

But Lawrie Challis, who led the British study, concedes, reports The Independent, that the low number of patients who used a mobile phone for over ten years, "it is not possible at this stage rule out the possibility that cancer could appear in the coming years" . Uncertainty about the lag time between exposure to electromagnetic fields and the possible development of a tumor remains a major obstacle in conducting epidemiological studies' conclusions. "

In France, where mobile telephony has gained momentum from 1992 and where there are now over 52 million subscribers, the study most recently published in September in the Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health, suffers the same limitations. It focuses on patients with brain tumors between 2001 and 2003.

"Regular use of mobile phones is not associated with an increased risk of acoustic neuromas, meningiomas and gliomas, she says. Although these results are not significant, it seems to exist a general trend an increased risk of glioma among the more "heavy users" of mobile telephony: users of long duration, high airtime users, users with more phones. "

The statistical power of the French study is insufficient to resolve the authors refer to the international Interphone Study, launched in 1999. Elisabeth Cardis, who coordinates Intercom International Centre for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, is not surprised by the results of the study Lennart Hardell and Kjell Hansson. "They are based on several studies included in Intercom, which effectively increases noted, significant or not, gliomas among mobile users," she admits. The difficulty lies in interpreting the results, she adds.

A possible bias concerns memorization by patients from their own phone use. "They seek an explanation for their illness and tend to exaggerate their exposure," said Elisabeth Cardis. This recall bias is statistically detectable: it leads to an apparent reduction in the risk of tumor in the opposite hemisphere to the phone, as if exposing a side protected the other ...

The Interphone study will also seek to clarify the location of tumors. If 20 to 30% of the dose emitted by the electromagnetic phone is absorbed by the brain, "this exhibition is very localized," says Elizabeth Cardis. It is so unlikely that a tumor in the frontal or occipital can be attributed to radio frequencies, "she notes.


These methodological problems could explain, according to the researcher, the delay of several years in publishing the Interphone study, expected "within months". Meanwhile, Elisabeth Cardis refuses to rule on whether or not to revise the standards for radio emissions.

These are considered too lenient by a group of international experts, including Lennart Hardell. These experts made public Aug. 31, a report in which they demanded a tougher international regulations on electromagnetic waves, they are emitted by power lines, ovens, microwaves, antennas and telecommunications relay or mobile phones.

microwave, DECT, Wi-Fi and mobile measured in situ

The French Agency for Health Safety Environment and Labour (Afsset), which recommends the use of mobile "wisely" funded a study on the impact of radio frequencies in Besançon and Lyon. For a week, 400 volunteers wore a dosimeter. The three million measurements collected show that the vast majority of exposures are due to mobile phone, home wireless (DECT) and in microwave ovens. Study coordinator, epidemiologist Jean-Francois Viel note that these are preliminary results, to refine, particularly regarding the Wi-Fi, "which emits in the same frequency range as microwave wave.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Marriage Invitation Cards To Invite Friends

Mobile and WiFi - Article by The DNA

"The health risks are proven"

Mobile telephony is harmful to health, repeated endlessly and Etienne Marc Ash, founder and president of the association "Robin Roof." Novelty, "is that we now have proof," they said yesterday Bouxwiller at a meeting organized under Larz'Als.

In recent news, the EHS to electromagnetic waves has been recognized for the first time in France by social security as a disabling illness. So far, patients with disorders (insomnia, headache, dizziness ,...) near mobile phone antenna were most often treated by the medical profession as sick psychological ...
But the mobile phone carries many other health risks, denounced the ashtray father and son, Robin association Roofs, Bouxwiller came yesterday at the invitation of the CGT, Attac and the Peasant Confederation for a conference. And besides, two new independent studies published this summer corroborate their claims. "It's even the first time a study on the subject uses the word proof," said Marc Ash, referring to the work of American scientists establishing a link between electromagnetic waves and breaks in DNA. More recently, a team of researchers from the University of Clermont-Ferrand, just highlight ("no possible doubt") the effects of radiation from electromagnetic fields of 900 MHz (the highest frequency used by mobile phones) on the functioning of genetic plants.

"triple-A toxicity"

The proof of the genotoxic effect of wireless technology (wi-fi is concerned) could well make things happen for the precautionary principle be applied finally.
"At the time, said Stephen Ash, telephony Mobile was launched but no studies have been conducted on its impact on health. "
Then, the operators have consistently rejected all reports on the subject and troublesome "the authors suddenly found themselves without a budget for further research."
Yet the microwave signals used to carry a pulsed mode coupled with the very low frequency of the signals induced "triple toxicity. The microwave has a heating effect (risk of overheating of the body tissues), the very low frequency interferes with our frequencies internal "including those of brain and impulses cause" disruption microsaccades microbiological processes ". With risk of brain tumors, deregulation of physiological rhythms, thus breaking the DNA of cancer, etc..

A cautionary threshold

"This is not to abandon the mobile, but insists Etienne Ashtray operators impose a maximum exposure limit of 0.6 volts per meter cons 41 V / m at present . It is a warning threshold that works perfectly well, without problem also applied to Salzburg in Austria and Valencia in Spain. But obviously should add that issuers and operators would be more expensive ... "
Pending the adoption of this level of exposure without impact to human health, some advice: no laptop for less than 15 years, does not carry his mobile near the heart or genitals, using the atrium, not call that in conditions of maximum reception (the radiation emitted by the device increases with the difficulty of connection), do not phone in the car even stopped (the effect known as Faraday cage amplifies radiation injury), at night, keep the laptop of your head and of course limit the number and call duration.

Simone Wehrung
Edition Sun October 7, 2007
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