Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Economist Vs Businessweek

Letter Letter Mayor Bourbach-Le-Haut, Mr. Bilger

Mr. Bilger

Suite the last city council, I learned that you abandon the project of the antenna relay Baesalbach to eventually move to the Col du Schirmer. is worse than anything and much more dangerous , the neck of Shirma located a few hundred meters from the village. The collective
UMMO, "A World Without Waves Bad" from Bourbach-Le-Haut, yet you sent many scientific papers, and journalistic associations, proving the harmfulness of electromagnetic waves on the environment.
searches and reports are not funded by the operators themselves, you will agree ...

Also, why you persist in add a wireless network already existing Bourbach-The-Top? While
Bourbach-The Netherlands and covered much less plaintiff could benefit from this famous antenna angry that more than half of your village! Be careful though to inform them of the dangers they face their wish ...
(cf. 204 villagers signed petition against the installation of the antenna Bourbach-Le-Haut and near a thousand signatures and outside the village ). A visit to Ferme Auberge "The Buissonnets" Tel: 03 89 38 85 87

It would be wise not to repeat your mistakes et celles de vos collègues, et penser cette fois à une concertation avec la population pour le prochain projet au Col du Shirm. Les villageois sont en première ligne, ces ondes traversent leurs murs, leur organisme. Nous rentrons dans leur intimité et liberté, il y a là atteinte au droit fondamental de tous, au bien-être et à la santé.

Ne pas tenir compte de leur avis, ne serait pas très démocratique et socialiste.
Souvenons-nous du programme du PS, qui proposait l'excellence environnementale, que vous avez de votre nom soutenu sur la plaquette publicitaire de Ségolène Royal, ainsi que vos collègues locaux socialistes.

D'un autre soutien that you bring to Martine Diffor (PS) during the last legislative elections.

Until you hear on the subject, a recent and serious article on electromagnetic waves.

HS Health Practice No. 5 Electromagnetic Waves

the same time, I invite you to reread the bill 2491, and the charter on the following Environmental joint.

French Constitution: The Charter of the Environment

Mr. Bilger, my greetings.

Olivier Cellier


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