Friday, December 21, 2007

White Scaley Spots On Skin

Letter to parents and villagers. TV News

December 21, 2007

Dear Parents, villagers.

The December 18, 2007 I went to council to make the record mobile phone which was on the agenda a recent study funded by WHO showing that electromagnetic waves and mobile telephony are carcinogenic and that especially rural areas.
The mayor has steadfastly refused to publicize this information to counselors. The council makes decisions on behalf of the people who brought him his confidence.
I will conduct and the humiliation that I had to stand on that board from the mayor, and am telling you would normally do as leaders of our village the latest information on mobile phones.


After numerous letters and copies at City Hall, com com de Thann, Reeve, MP, academy, international and independent scientific reports demonstrating the danger of microwaves and our desire to see canceled this dangerous project implementation antenna relay rural
After public meetings, mobilization of the villagers, a petition and a majority of signatures (over 200 signatories) against the installation of this antenna type relay at 1400 m of rural school and village center.

The mayor and city council gave their approval for moving the antenna rural neck of Shirma 500 m from the school during the first half of 2008 (April-May)

our children but ourselves risk of leukemia, cancer and many diseases caused by micro-wave. These antennas are much more powerful, more dangerous than urban areas because of the terrain and distances involved.

We can accept living this situation and educate our children in such circumstances the risk of making them ill put their lives in danger, this is because Mr. Bilger will not hear him wrong, and satisfy a desire policy to cover the white areas, we are not fulfilling the conditions (white area = area with no coverage).
is also with our taxes that we pay an unnecessary project that leads to ruin our health and put us in danger.

Currently City Hall is equipped with a live box, a modem from Orange who acts as an antenna and microwave wireless connection Wireless WIFI. It continuously emits electromagnetic waves dangerous radius of 100m. Let me tell you that our children are already within the city hall, put in danger. The height, the mayor has no wireless (WiFi) for these computers. This antenna operates in vain, for nothing.
I invite you to talk again after the holidays of years together, parents, school principal, petitioners at a meeting that we organize in January 2008.

Until we meet, I suggest you visit sites You will find on the site of collective Bourbachois "A World without bad vibes" at, our individual actions and the report by BioInitiativ act of 1500 international and independent scientific studies proving the toxicity and the danger of living on the electromagnetic waves (base station and mobile).

I wish you a happy holiday season, and the opportunity to make that love and reason prevail over pride and profit.

Regards Olivier Cellier

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20 H - France 2

Preview of 20 hours of December 9, France 2 2007 ..
It "learns" that scientists have demonstrated a link of cause and effect relationship between mobile phone use and serious health problems.


** January 1998 **
Cancer: A WHO study on mobile Portable
the initiative of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), WHO agency based in Lyon, an international study will be launched to verify that the use of mobile phones could pose an increased brain tumors. A case-control study (with and without cancer) involving several thousands of elderly people from twenty-five to fifty years could begin to fall 98.

** May 1999 **
The device could help brain tumors
Two new scientific studies have shown that using cell phones could encourage the development cancerous tumors of the brain, reports the BBC.

10 years ..
It's time for reflection that is consistent public health issues of this magnitude ...