Friday, December 21, 2007

What Is The Best Conditioningmascara

20 H - France 2

Preview of 20 hours of December 9, France 2 2007 ..
It "learns" that scientists have demonstrated a link of cause and effect relationship between mobile phone use and serious health problems.


** January 1998 **
Cancer: A WHO study on mobile Portable
the initiative of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), WHO agency based in Lyon, an international study will be launched to verify that the use of mobile phones could pose an increased brain tumors. A case-control study (with and without cancer) involving several thousands of elderly people from twenty-five to fifty years could begin to fall 98.

** May 1999 **
The device could help brain tumors
Two new scientific studies have shown that using cell phones could encourage the development cancerous tumors of the brain, reports the BBC.

10 years ..
It's time for reflection that is consistent public health issues of this magnitude ...


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