Saturday, March 3, 2007

Hypoalergenic Lipstick

Fabienne Keller Mayor of Strasbourg: a model

January 26, 2006

Mobile phones: Strasbourg will no longer allow installation of antenna on his property in the absence of charter with key operators

After "frozen" the siting of mobile phone antenna on buildings its heritage, the city of Strasbourg announced that it will no longer allow installation of antenna on his property in the absence of charter with key operators and pending the results of a large epidemiological study.
In an interview with the daily "The News from Alsace, Fabienne Keller, Mayor of Strasbourg said that" the current state of knowledge, most scientists believe it is unlikely that field exposure produced by mobile phone base to induce or promote cancers. However, I believe that low probability is not sufficient security to allow settling trop d'antennes».
Elle précise que le Centre international de recherches contre le cancer (CIRC), branche de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) basée à Lyon, mène une étude épidémiologique à l'échelle européenne afin de déterminer si l'exposition aux radiofréquences pouvait être en lien avec des cancers. Cette étude sera la plus importante étude épidémiologique jamais réalisée sur ce sujet et ses résultats devraient faire autorité en la matière.
Souhaitant, en attendant, que s’applique que le principe de précaution, elle rappelle qu’elle propose depuis plus de trois ans la signature d'une charte entre community and mobile operators, which would reduce the level of the waves emitted by the antennas. But, she says, "despite all attempts at mediation, none of the three major operators have agreed to ratify the document."
It is however aware that the flexibility in terms of mobile phone antenna is reduced because the city, when not building owner, n'instruit a file declaration of work. However, the jurisprudence of the State Council, the precautionary principle is not among the rules that may justify an objection to a statement of work. It is therefore the responsibility of owners to accept or refuse the establishment of the antenna.

Source: MAYOR News - The daily online news for local officials


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