Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Brazillian Blowout And Ethnic Hair, Does It Work

Journal Article Alsace - February 24, 2007 Journal Article

Bourbach-the-Top Antenna Relay: a meeting which is struggling to convince

Elected and residents gathered Wednesday night around a representative of the mobile operator SFR. Objective: to reassure the public about the health risks linked to the establishment of a base station on the heights of the village. A difficult exercise. The

Bourbachois moved number on Wednesday night to attend the public meeting organized by the municipality and the Community of Communes Pays de Thann, the project's installation of a mobile phone mast near the neck of Hundsruck. Evidence that the case of the base station continues to agitate the minds, as it divides the villagers.
Gathered around Marc Arnold, representing the firm in charge of ELAN prime contractor for the project, and Corey Janot, specialist health issues at SFR, the mayor of Bourbach-le-Haut, Vincent Bilger, and vice- Chairman of the Community of Communes Pays de Thann also mayor of Bourbach-le-Bas, Marie-Pierre Kolb, tried to allay fears of residents. Fears that the previous meetings held in the town had hitherto done hostility. Difficult exercise for elected officials who had to wipe the less virulent attacks.

dialogue of the deaf

While members of the group "A world without bad vibes" bring into question the necessity of implementing this new ram (see inset), politicians accuse the anti-antenna having installed a climate psychosis in the village. Thanks to several executive summary and reports published by the World Health Organization (WHO) explaining that "there is no health hazard to live near a base station, the expert was employed at SFR calm down. Without much success.
Among those who cry to electromagnetic pollution, others who protest against the project, claiming that disfigure the landscape and the Community of Communes opponents who serve as real-wielding paranoid "conspiracy theory", he was difficult to expect anything but a dialogue of the deaf. In the end, no disappointment. Each party is sticking to his positions, but expressed determination to go through.
far, the outcry not seem in any way compromising the project's continuation.

Vivian Millet

Obscure white area

The "white areas" aims to cover more than 3 000 municipalities located primarily in rural areas, priority areas of transport and tourist areas that are busy currently served by any operator. According to Olivier Cellier, founder of the group "A world without bad vibes" in Aspach-le-Haut, the classification of the village area would be white simply unwarranted. "Many operators already have a pretty good coverage, says he, it is totally wrong to talk about white area. "Aware that this obscure area of white matter is a strong argument, members of the group plan to bring the matter before a tribunal.


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