Monday, February 19, 2007

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Testimonials and feedback from petitioners

APURSETAP Our association has prevented the installation of antennas in the Bolazec Finsitère simply by informing the public in a letter distributed to every mailbox. Mayor aware of the issue said: There will be no antennas Bolazec! (See website Green Brest in Telephony category)

If the waves were stained, there would be nothing left but at the same time we would see more clearly.
How many deaths and debilitating illnesses Will til before the reaction of decision-making powers?
reaction may be the day when the cost exceeds the benefit of diseases caused by bad air.

Why do not you take into account the official reports of independent scientists whose studies are funded by any operator and the antennas are harmful? That is democracy?
R. (67)

(...) Bourbach-Le-Haut est un village attractif pour son cadre et sa qualité de vie, un tel bouleversement déséquilibrerait les rapports entre acheteurs et vendeurs de biens immobiliers faisant chuter la valeur du patrimoine de la plupart des Bourbachois tout en leur faisant prendre le risque de voir leur espérance de vie perdre quelques années.
Il est absolument scandaleux qu'il soit envisageable qu’un type puisse avoir le pouvoir au prétexte qu’il a été élu de faire perdre à ses électeurs une telle quantité d’'argent qui pour l'ensemble des villageois doit se chiffrer à plusieurs millions voire plutôt dizaine de millions d’'euros.
Et for whose benefit? Some companies for which this operation will probably never earn that much money!
I have family in Bourbah-Le-Haut, it has 3 houses, one building and several acres of land, whether that risk
caused a decrease in the side of the property only 10% (which in my opinion would be the best case), it would diminish the heritage of my family tens of thousands of dollars at a minimum!)
Also, I have informed the makers of this if I had to idea of destroying such an antenna, I do not expose myself to a few months in prison (Jose Bove for the destruction of fields has not bailed over despite many relapses), compared to tens of thousands of dollars that would not lose my family. (...)
B. (70)


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