Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Bladder Infection Withbrown Discharge

Bourbachois Letter to Joel and Claire Mansuy

Ferme des Buissonnets
Ancien élu de Bourbach-le-Haut pendant 12 ans.

Aux Bourbachoises, Bourbachois, à their children, grandchildren,

Our elected officials have proposed mobile phone antenna to improve, it seems, the communication between human beings.

I think they are sincere in their efforts to improve comfort and make progress accessible. However, like many of us, they are poorly informed about the results alarmist, scientific studies, to our health.

The location chosen for this antenna is located near the road between Hundsruck and Baeselbach.
I thought initially it was a long-term project, as myself, I do suistoujours not specifically informed of the location, while under indirect information, I learned that this huge tower, will be located on one of my pastures.

Am I too far from the world and under-informed? Were you asked if you want to spoil your mountain view ar a protuberance dangerous monster of steel 30 meters tall? The landscape is disfigured
forever. Landscaped appearance have occurred but only a small part of

Let dangerousness:
* We are told that to the remote village, air pollution is "acceptable," but we paid cites studies by multinational telephone, and if we do not independent studies are numerous.
* In addition, a 300 m radius around the pylon, is now recognized as hazardous, because many towers were moved due to health problems in many countries.

At this point, what will happen?
Soil Will it be bombed and reheat microwave, and flora and fauna around processed?
What will the security perimeter where my cows will no longer graze? The path goes
Baeselbach will he closed to those who loved to walk ? For mothers, their carriages, their children, townspeople came to "recharge" (sic)? No more long moments when we contemplate the landscape without risk to our health.

For my part, I am in awe of young parents in the village trying to ask the right questions
before it's too late to I'avenir and health of their children.

Under the guise of you "improve" life, multinationals do not think once more that their profit to their shareholders and hungry, we prepare the next generation of mobile videophone G3. A lucrative market.

Residents, elected officials, open your eyes, do not let fall asleep or become heads of departments within these large lobbies.

Me, I rise before it is too late for that, I will inform all those involved in public health
o Directorate of Veterinary Services.
o Directorate départementaled I'agriculture
e o o Chambred'agriculture
Parc des Ballons d'Alsace Alsace Nature

o o u départementaled Tourism Association
o Farmers Association Innkeepers
o Natura 2000 (Waechter Cabinet has approved the draft ComCom!)

Inhabitants Bourbach be vigilant and someday you to tell your children, grandchildren, you have managed to preserve for them this little corner of paradise.

I wrote this letter after much reflection and to be consistent with my conscience and I dedicate it to our grandchildren and Jules Maxime 3 years 1 year.

Silence is death.

Joel Mansuy and his wife Claire.


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