Sunday, February 11, 2007

Black And White Vintage Maps

On the article in the Journal L'Alsace "Town Hall: no alarmism"

"the human body absorbs five times more frequencies FM radio and television as mobile "
argument of the town hall is not valid, even if it comes from the sacred (WHO fact sheet 304): these are frequencies lower, with smaller photons that do not interfere with our body. Point photoelectric effect with FM / TV, but by cons with the frequencies 10 times higher (2 GHz) of UMTS, WLAN , wimax. The photoelectric effect is an electric shock through the skin, eyelids, cortex, electric low but permanent in the case of these antennas that work all the time. Too bad that WHO and deliberately ignores quantum physics and Einstein's work, as well as the persistence of radiation and takes into account the thermal effect is negligible as the "official experts" in the case of "weak" irradiation from these antennas.

Should we recall that X-rays have been declared dangerous 12 years after the establishment of the WHO, 50 years after asbestos. For passive smoking as a strong warning was long overdue. If I could choose where my taxes, there would not have a penny to this organization desperately slow to protect us, unable to learn from the past, pig deaths and disasters before reacting. In Belgium

fortunately, mayors are increasingly on the side of citizens and not get wet on balance too much in claiming that since there are so many doubts and protests, it is better to rely on good old adage "no smoke without fire" and apply the precautionary principle! The Belgian Parliament is beginning to follow suit. Is that we approach the elections at home. Your mayor is there thought to the election?



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