Friday, June 15, 2007

Music Incomplete Lullaby

Review - Letter to residents Bourbach-Le-Haut


You answered many of the petition against the mast.
Now, draw a temporary balance of our work is far from over

are signatories to the petition:

204 people Bourbach-the-top.
473 people in other towns in France
256 foreign countries

Either a total of 933 + signatures to date
933 since the beginning of the year and the petition is still small.
This realization is echoed throughout the department, France and abroad. This demonstrates one hand, the interest you have in your environment and your quality of life and also the refusal of five elected officials decide to change our landscape too seriously without any prior consultation. The base station 30 meters high will be as a wart on a pretty nose in addition there is Natura 2000 (biotop exceptional).
this green in which we live is a remarkable site and noticed by thousands of people every year. The marathon is in the Alsace Hundsruck. The monument shock troops annually hosts number of people on this historic pilgrimage. 6
footpaths identified by the IGN (National Geographical Institute) and maintained by the club Vosges meet the pass. Especially those passing through the wasperhoehe (the field of wasps) and the camp will row of the antenna. You
have understood and expressed through this petition, we live in an exceptional setting. It is our duty to preserve the beauty of this site appreciated by many.

Here are the actions undertaken since the beginning of the petition.

  • three public information meetings were held during which a film was projected on the health risks. Present Mr. Joseph BIRCKNER geobiologist, Colette MARCHAL VICE PRESIDENT Alsace Independent Ecologist Movement (MEI). Community members, the mayor and city council were absent during these encounters despite the invitations we've sent them to two of these meetings.
  • two public meetings were held at the initiative of the municipal council in the presence of the operator SFR and Doctor Lorrain.
  • Different letters on behalf of the collective and individual were sent to ComCom, councilors and the mayor. They have remained unanswered so far.
  • A response from the Prefecture has been addressed following a letter in which they take note of our concerns.
  • 2 meetings with municipal councils were held during which the petition was delivered. Two proposals furent émises.
  1. - Une demande de référendum populaire
  2. - Une demande de moratoire du projet, et créer un groupe de travail constitué en partie du conseil municipal et d’un groupe de pétitionnaires dans le but de débattre posément du projet.
A ce jour aucune réponse officielle à ces deux propositions.

Nous avons rencontré :

Monsieur Jean-luc REITZER Conseiller Général n’a rien trouvé d’anormal à implanter ce pylône à cet endroit.
Madame Martine DIFFOR candidate aux élections législatives, conseillère Régional. Elle a pris note the disagreement, it shall contact the City Council and comcom Bourbach it up to find the folder completely. She keeps in touch with us to keep us informed of these efforts.
Jean-Luc Reitzer MP. We were welcomed and listened. Mr. Reitz is very sensitive to the beauty of landscapes and its impact on humans to act on its analysis of the problem. HE wants a dialogue between all parties concerned.

We are in contact with Antoine Waechter
An information board was present at the fair Eco-bio. 160 signatures have been reported at the fair.

Letters were sent to the Director and the Chair of the Vosges park balls which have not been informed of the choice of this implementation.

National Education has been informed of the project by mail and has not given away.

A cleanup job on the site where the antenna is being done to highlight the beauty of the site for those who are already immune to the surrounding beauty. Come see this magnificent rock at the turn of a Sunday walk and imagine three buildings and an iron tower of 30 meters.

If you want to support the movement you can:

  • participate financially in an envelope to the applicant Buissonnets day openings
  • Planting a sign on your property visible from the road. (Available June 27 to Buissonnets.)
  • Join active movement. There is work for all.
  • Buy a T-shirt

You can reach us at 03 89 38 06 42

(Letter written by Françoise EBERHARDT, Jean-Marc and Joel Mansuy BEX)


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