Tuesday, February 27, 2007

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Journal Article Alsace - February 24, 2007 Journal Article

Bourbach-the-Top Antenna Relay: a meeting which is struggling to convince

Elected and residents gathered Wednesday night around a representative of the mobile operator SFR. Objective: to reassure the public about the health risks linked to the establishment of a base station on the heights of the village. A difficult exercise. The

Bourbachois moved number on Wednesday night to attend the public meeting organized by the municipality and the Community of Communes Pays de Thann, the project's installation of a mobile phone mast near the neck of Hundsruck. Evidence that the case of the base station continues to agitate the minds, as it divides the villagers.
Gathered around Marc Arnold, representing the firm in charge of ELAN prime contractor for the project, and Corey Janot, specialist health issues at SFR, the mayor of Bourbach-le-Haut, Vincent Bilger, and vice- Chairman of the Community of Communes Pays de Thann also mayor of Bourbach-le-Bas, Marie-Pierre Kolb, tried to allay fears of residents. Fears that the previous meetings held in the town had hitherto done hostility. Difficult exercise for elected officials who had to wipe the less virulent attacks.

dialogue of the deaf

While members of the group "A world without bad vibes" bring into question the necessity of implementing this new ram (see inset), politicians accuse the anti-antenna having installed a climate psychosis in the village. Thanks to several executive summary and reports published by the World Health Organization (WHO) explaining that "there is no health hazard to live near a base station, the expert was employed at SFR calm down. Without much success.
Among those who cry to electromagnetic pollution, others who protest against the project, claiming that disfigure the landscape and the Community of Communes opponents who serve as real-wielding paranoid "conspiracy theory", he was difficult to expect anything but a dialogue of the deaf. In the end, no disappointment. Each party is sticking to his positions, but expressed determination to go through.
far, the outcry not seem in any way compromising the project's continuation.

Vivian Millet

Obscure white area

The "white areas" aims to cover more than 3 000 municipalities located primarily in rural areas, priority areas of transport and tourist areas that are busy currently served by any operator. According to Olivier Cellier, founder of the group "A world without bad vibes" in Aspach-le-Haut, the classification of the village area would be white simply unwarranted. "Many operators already have a pretty good coverage, says he, it is totally wrong to talk about white area. "Aware that this obscure area of white matter is a strong argument, members of the group plan to bring the matter before a tribunal.

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DNA - February 24, 2007

Bourbach-the-Top Mobile Phone

dialogue of the deaf

The meeting was "pro" and "anti" relay antenna opposing ideas without concession from as one of the others. (Photo DNA - FS)

Sensée appease the spirits warmed by the project to install an antenna-relay mobile Bourbach-le-Haut near the neck of Hundsruck the briefing organized by the municipality has only crystallized the divergent points of view.

The controversy behind the quiet hamlet since several weeks had convinced Mayor Vincent Bilger to burst the abscess causing a briefing. Wednesday, judging by the mobilization of people, over one hundred rural home that night, it was time. Sitting alongside the mayor, Mark Arnold of the firm responsible Elan project, Corey Janot, health and environment specialist at SFR, Pierre-Marie Kolb, vice president of the community of communes of the Pays de Thann and Jean-Luc Reitzer, general counsel of the township. In the room, Olivier Cellier, author of the petition to cancel the project and Joel Mansuy, landlord-tenant Buissonnets to the pasture where the antenna must be installed. "Pro" and "anti", but also a population that had come to learn more about this famous antenna, both technologically and health.

Information, disinformation

But after three hours of trading fed, sometimes passionate and often too technical, was very clever one who could tell whether the population was distributed reassured or not a meeting at which the arguments of each other have been consistently telescope. One side has defended the service to the people and land, the other the precautionary principle and the freedom of choice. Everyone takes his stance. Dialogue of the deaf. The idea of a referendum on popular initiative has been launched to resolve the issue, but apparently it without collecting the support of Mayor concerned above all to appease the spirits. Ultimately, no consensus was reached This meeting of "information" for supporters of the proposed antenna, "disinformation" by its opponents. The only certainty is the start of construction for the middle of the year. Fred Stenger

© Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace, Saturday, February 24, 2007. - All rights reserved

Monday, February 19, 2007

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Testimonials and feedback from petitioners

APURSETAP Our association has prevented the installation of antennas in the Bolazec Finsitère simply by informing the public in a letter distributed to every mailbox. Mayor aware of the issue said: There will be no antennas Bolazec! (See website Green Brest in Telephony category)

If the waves were stained, there would be nothing left but at the same time we would see more clearly.
How many deaths and debilitating illnesses Will til before the reaction of decision-making powers?
reaction may be the day when the cost exceeds the benefit of diseases caused by bad air.

Why do not you take into account the official reports of independent scientists whose studies are funded by any operator and the antennas are harmful? That is democracy?
R. (67)

(...) Bourbach-Le-Haut est un village attractif pour son cadre et sa qualité de vie, un tel bouleversement déséquilibrerait les rapports entre acheteurs et vendeurs de biens immobiliers faisant chuter la valeur du patrimoine de la plupart des Bourbachois tout en leur faisant prendre le risque de voir leur espérance de vie perdre quelques années.
Il est absolument scandaleux qu'il soit envisageable qu’un type puisse avoir le pouvoir au prétexte qu’il a été élu de faire perdre à ses électeurs une telle quantité d’'argent qui pour l'ensemble des villageois doit se chiffrer à plusieurs millions voire plutôt dizaine de millions d’'euros.
Et for whose benefit? Some companies for which this operation will probably never earn that much money!
I have family in Bourbah-Le-Haut, it has 3 houses, one building and several acres of land, whether that risk
caused a decrease in the side of the property only 10% (which in my opinion would be the best case), it would diminish the heritage of my family tens of thousands of dollars at a minimum!)
Also, I have informed the makers of this if I had to idea of destroying such an antenna, I do not expose myself to a few months in prison (Jose Bove for the destruction of fields has not bailed over despite many relapses), compared to tens of thousands of dollars that would not lose my family. (...)
B. (70)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

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Letter to local political Joel Mansuy

Joel Mansuy-Ferme Auberge des Buissonnets
Bourbach-THE-TOP, IE 07/02/2007

Gentlemen policies, Mr.
Baeumler, Mayor of Thann and President of ComCom,
Vincent, our Mayor and I'investigateur project
Mr. Kolb and gentlemen, ladies elected to our villages and ComCom Thann,

Today I have a very deep wound to the heart, they want to kill my land, my pasture.
Between this land and me is a love story that has lasted 27 years. I love my mountain as it is and not as you want it to be an infernal machine should be set up on my pasture, a tower 30 meters high for mobile telephony.
Know, gentlemen, I will not let you do, I stop your murderous madness by the wayside, and if this tower one day, picks up, is that I will be on land, but proud I fought. We
other in the countryside have values and I lose my honor if I let you do, I dare watch over children in the eye.
is why today je m'élève contre la folie des hommes et surtout la vôtre, Messieurs, et je défendrai mon pâturage comme on défend un pays. Et pour tous les gens qui ont peur que l'ambulance n'arrive pas à l'heure par manque de réseau, il y a des endroits qui offrent beaucoup plus de commodités.
Nous sommes là pour notre montagne, pour la préserver, l'aimer, pour tout le bonheur qu'elle nous a déjà donné.

Un fermier en colère et déterminé.

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Bourbachois Letter to Joel and Claire Mansuy

Ferme des Buissonnets
Ancien élu de Bourbach-le-Haut pendant 12 ans.

Aux Bourbachoises, Bourbachois, à their children, grandchildren,

Our elected officials have proposed mobile phone antenna to improve, it seems, the communication between human beings.

I think they are sincere in their efforts to improve comfort and make progress accessible. However, like many of us, they are poorly informed about the results alarmist, scientific studies, to our health.

The location chosen for this antenna is located near the road between Hundsruck and Baeselbach.
I thought initially it was a long-term project, as myself, I do suistoujours not specifically informed of the location, while under indirect information, I learned that this huge tower, will be located on one of my pastures.

Am I too far from the world and under-informed? Were you asked if you want to spoil your mountain view ar a protuberance dangerous monster of steel 30 meters tall? The landscape is disfigured
forever. Landscaped appearance have occurred but only a small part of

Let dangerousness:
* We are told that to the remote village, air pollution is "acceptable," but we paid cites studies by multinational telephone, and if we do not independent studies are numerous.
* In addition, a 300 m radius around the pylon, is now recognized as hazardous, because many towers were moved due to health problems in many countries.

At this point, what will happen?
Soil Will it be bombed and reheat microwave, and flora and fauna around processed?
What will the security perimeter where my cows will no longer graze? The path goes
Baeselbach will he closed to those who loved to walk ? For mothers, their carriages, their children, townspeople came to "recharge" (sic)? No more long moments when we contemplate the landscape without risk to our health.

For my part, I am in awe of young parents in the village trying to ask the right questions
before it's too late to I'avenir and health of their children.

Under the guise of you "improve" life, multinationals do not think once more that their profit to their shareholders and hungry, we prepare the next generation of mobile videophone G3. A lucrative market.

Residents, elected officials, open your eyes, do not let fall asleep or become heads of departments within these large lobbies.

Me, I rise before it is too late for that, I will inform all those involved in public health
o Directorate of Veterinary Services.
o Directorate départementaled I'agriculture
e o o Chambred'agriculture
Parc des Ballons d'Alsace Alsace Nature

o o u départementaled Tourism Association
o Farmers Association Innkeepers
o Natura 2000 (Waechter Cabinet has approved the draft ComCom!)

Inhabitants Bourbach be vigilant and someday you to tell your children, grandchildren, you have managed to preserve for them this little corner of paradise.

I wrote this letter after much reflection and to be consistent with my conscience and I dedicate it to our grandchildren and Jules Maxime 3 years 1 year.

Silence is death.

Joel Mansuy and his wife Claire.

Bhavishyafal By Date Of Birth


30 new signatures from residents Bourbachois for the meeting of Tuesday, February 13, 2007. 8 External
BRAVO Joel and Claire

Monday, February 12, 2007

Tally 7.2 Memory Access Violation

Testimonials and feedback from petitioners

I counted over a hundred branches in my city, people are not warned, some are less than 50 m from a nursery, a neighborhood where people suffer from low leukemia! It's scary and shocking.
G. (Liege - Belgium)

We are in a dictatorship of the powers of money - is it still necessary to stress? - Disregarding the health of residents
I hope that your opposition will succeed in being heard!
M. (Paris)

I am to you and I can sympathize that by signing this petition, mobilize, and you win.
P. (42)

No antenna should be put in place now, pending the establishment of a REAL regulatory power (0.3 meter VLT for UMTS) and the protection of our environment.
M. (93) Antennas

relay: weapons of mass destruction.

Mobile phones equals holocaust Electromagnetic
cancer, depression, insomnia, hypertension, violence, suicide, infertility, impotence, visual disturbances, Alzheimer's, birth defects, etc. ... Visit
Good luck.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

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Comment Comment

On "Radio System Test conducted with two operators ..." : I live

Aspach High and I'm angry. I just found randomly a walk, a phone antenna was installed less than 500 meters from my home without us being informed clearly .. So I understand your struggle and approval. It must indeed be "inconvenient truths" as the title of Al Gore, apparently because the information is distorted and obscured even in some cases. - Nothing about installing this antenna - nothing on the project's future Aspach High incinerator for which our first two judges voted. - By cons, we've been inundated with advertising - on cable installation - the arrival natural gas in our town. Despite scientific studies, the "precautionary principle" is a collection of jokes when he goes against enormous economic challenges. Public health is completely obscured in the name of fallacious arguments to defend projects that could greatly happen. This is intolerable. Democracy does not work normally. We must denounce it.

L. A resident of Upper Aspach

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On the article in the Journal L'Alsace "Town Hall: no alarmism"

"the human body absorbs five times more frequencies FM radio and television as mobile "
argument of the town hall is not valid, even if it comes from the sacred (WHO fact sheet 304): these are frequencies lower, with smaller photons that do not interfere with our body. Point photoelectric effect with FM / TV, but by cons with the frequencies 10 times higher (2 GHz) of UMTS, WLAN , wimax. The photoelectric effect is an electric shock through the skin, eyelids, cortex, electric low but permanent in the case of these antennas that work all the time. Too bad that WHO and deliberately ignores quantum physics and Einstein's work, as well as the persistence of radiation and takes into account the thermal effect is negligible as the "official experts" in the case of "weak" irradiation from these antennas.

Should we recall that X-rays have been declared dangerous 12 years after the establishment of the WHO, 50 years after asbestos. For passive smoking as a strong warning was long overdue. If I could choose where my taxes, there would not have a penny to this organization desperately slow to protect us, unable to learn from the past, pig deaths and disasters before reacting. In Belgium

fortunately, mayors are increasingly on the side of citizens and not get wet on balance too much in claiming that since there are so many doubts and protests, it is better to rely on good old adage "no smoke without fire" and apply the precautionary principle! The Belgian Parliament is beginning to follow suit. Is that we approach the elections at home. Your mayor is there thought to the election?
