Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Gameshark Pokemon Crystal Evolve

fine motor activities

Émy is very attracted by all the activities that will enable it to perform fine motor skills.
Again it was good enough to pose for me, so here are some pictures!
(I do not take a picture when it is concentrated as it never fails, she stops what she's doing to come see the camera and pictures. When I asked him to do a particular thing for me it does so willingly and then just see the photos ;-))

Piggy: That's a little hard for her because if box is not oriented properly, it can not place the token in the right axis. But yet she loves this game and wonder when she sees him on the shelf. She puts some chips into the slot, then lifts the lid to check that they are good in the box. It continues and closes, opening occasionally to check! And it's funny because it is sorting the same time, it often first takes all the red chips, before moving on to others. Red is a color that clearly draws a lot.

box forms : I spoke recently of the box forms a ball, the object presented first. To continue, I bought a box interchangeable forms. I proposed to Émy with the cube, which can be threaded through its various faces (just a little more complicated than the ball, who returns no matter what!). I also gave the token that she appreciates good.
The cube has not attracted as much interest as the token. Maybe it's a little difficult because she preferred to put it in the box from below! (I removed the tray from the box, it still can not handle. It is not easy it back when it is fully extended.)

cylinder blocks : I bought small blocks of cylinders for Liv, who has very little manipulated. In fact this material can not compete with "real" cylinder blocks, which are much larger, much more sensory. It may well feel the weight of the blocks, you can touch the holes (holes here are really small), and then the cylinders are more numerous, which brings more interest to manipulation.
short, they are there and Émy is attracted to this material for a while now. I have therefore shown how to use it, making him a small presentation she looked carefully. Too bad I did not have a camera because it's too cute to see her repeat the gesture. She goes quietly all cylinders by placing them gently, holding them by their button, and then submitting them, by correcting a mistake when she, observing. She puts her fingers in the holes, the contour button to redo my gesture, but at her age she uses the material more as a game embedding. In any case, given the size of the cylinders it requires a good control of his actions and I think that is what she seeks. The precision, accuracy of the gesture.

candles on the cake : Émy received for Christmas a small wood dinette very pretty, with cups, a teapot, tea bags and a cake cut into 5 with small candles placed on each hand. As the cylinder block, she loves to put on and remove the candles on the cake. Again, we must be precise and sensitive, otherwise it falls!

She also loves in a different register, distribute objects. The two activities are invented by Émy itself ;-). And it is often repeated. These games can be done easily with almost anything, like a box of eggs and nuts for example.

box cake : received at Christmas, so this box of wooden cake is popular for playing the dinette, but also to store the cakes in their respective boxes. Émy can do it quietly for a moment, go out and deliver the cakes. This game also likes to Liv, whom she calls the cakes for them by looking on the lid of the box when the cakes arranged, and arranging them in the same way! For
Émy next step, I could put a picture of the cake bottom each box, and it becomes a game of visual recognition.

Cups and Egg : Always with the dinette, Émy invented this activity. She likes to put an egg into each cup, then remove them and return them. Not easy because the cups tilt. With saucers is more stable.

You'll notice that the dinette Émy well pleases. She loves to pretend to serve and drink the tea, stir with her wooden spoon, and it helps us share cakes on a plate and brings us to drink. I love to see her play well! I am not accustomed, Liv has never makes imitation games and even now she does very little, only when she plays and Émy it is too. But that does not come spontaneously.


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