Friday, December 21, 2007

White Scaley Spots On Skin

Letter to parents and villagers. TV News

December 21, 2007

Dear Parents, villagers.

The December 18, 2007 I went to council to make the record mobile phone which was on the agenda a recent study funded by WHO showing that electromagnetic waves and mobile telephony are carcinogenic and that especially rural areas.
The mayor has steadfastly refused to publicize this information to counselors. The council makes decisions on behalf of the people who brought him his confidence.
I will conduct and the humiliation that I had to stand on that board from the mayor, and am telling you would normally do as leaders of our village the latest information on mobile phones.


After numerous letters and copies at City Hall, com com de Thann, Reeve, MP, academy, international and independent scientific reports demonstrating the danger of microwaves and our desire to see canceled this dangerous project implementation antenna relay rural
After public meetings, mobilization of the villagers, a petition and a majority of signatures (over 200 signatories) against the installation of this antenna type relay at 1400 m of rural school and village center.

The mayor and city council gave their approval for moving the antenna rural neck of Shirma 500 m from the school during the first half of 2008 (April-May)

our children but ourselves risk of leukemia, cancer and many diseases caused by micro-wave. These antennas are much more powerful, more dangerous than urban areas because of the terrain and distances involved.

We can accept living this situation and educate our children in such circumstances the risk of making them ill put their lives in danger, this is because Mr. Bilger will not hear him wrong, and satisfy a desire policy to cover the white areas, we are not fulfilling the conditions (white area = area with no coverage).
is also with our taxes that we pay an unnecessary project that leads to ruin our health and put us in danger.

Currently City Hall is equipped with a live box, a modem from Orange who acts as an antenna and microwave wireless connection Wireless WIFI. It continuously emits electromagnetic waves dangerous radius of 100m. Let me tell you that our children are already within the city hall, put in danger. The height, the mayor has no wireless (WiFi) for these computers. This antenna operates in vain, for nothing.
I invite you to talk again after the holidays of years together, parents, school principal, petitioners at a meeting that we organize in January 2008.

Until we meet, I suggest you visit sites You will find on the site of collective Bourbachois "A World without bad vibes" at, our individual actions and the report by BioInitiativ act of 1500 international and independent scientific studies proving the toxicity and the danger of living on the electromagnetic waves (base station and mobile).

I wish you a happy holiday season, and the opportunity to make that love and reason prevail over pride and profit.

Regards Olivier Cellier

What Is The Best Conditioningmascara

20 H - France 2

Preview of 20 hours of December 9, France 2 2007 ..
It "learns" that scientists have demonstrated a link of cause and effect relationship between mobile phone use and serious health problems.


** January 1998 **
Cancer: A WHO study on mobile Portable
the initiative of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), WHO agency based in Lyon, an international study will be launched to verify that the use of mobile phones could pose an increased brain tumors. A case-control study (with and without cancer) involving several thousands of elderly people from twenty-five to fifty years could begin to fall 98.

** May 1999 **
The device could help brain tumors
Two new scientific studies have shown that using cell phones could encourage the development cancerous tumors of the brain, reports the BBC.

10 years ..
It's time for reflection that is consistent public health issues of this magnitude ...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

How To Stop The Ascid In My Throath

Mobile phones promote brain tumors

The World - Herve Morin - paper edition dated 13/10/2007

mobile phone use is harmful to health, not just driving. An analysis of eighteen studies concluded that beyond ten years of using a cellphone, the risk of developing a malignant brain tumor - glioma - the side where the device is worn in the ear would multiplied by two. This condition occurs annually about 6 100 people 000. For violations of the acoustic nerve - neuroma - the risk would be two and half times higher in these same conditions.

Published online by the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM), this analysis led by Lennart Hardell Sweden (Orebro University) and Kjell Hansson (Umea University), contradicts a study published in September in Great Britain, that "there has not been shown that the motives were associated with adverse biological or deleterious.

But Lawrie Challis, who led the British study, concedes, reports The Independent, that the low number of patients who used a mobile phone for over ten years, "it is not possible at this stage rule out the possibility that cancer could appear in the coming years" . Uncertainty about the lag time between exposure to electromagnetic fields and the possible development of a tumor remains a major obstacle in conducting epidemiological studies' conclusions. "

In France, where mobile telephony has gained momentum from 1992 and where there are now over 52 million subscribers, the study most recently published in September in the Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health, suffers the same limitations. It focuses on patients with brain tumors between 2001 and 2003.

"Regular use of mobile phones is not associated with an increased risk of acoustic neuromas, meningiomas and gliomas, she says. Although these results are not significant, it seems to exist a general trend an increased risk of glioma among the more "heavy users" of mobile telephony: users of long duration, high airtime users, users with more phones. "

The statistical power of the French study is insufficient to resolve the authors refer to the international Interphone Study, launched in 1999. Elisabeth Cardis, who coordinates Intercom International Centre for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, is not surprised by the results of the study Lennart Hardell and Kjell Hansson. "They are based on several studies included in Intercom, which effectively increases noted, significant or not, gliomas among mobile users," she admits. The difficulty lies in interpreting the results, she adds.

A possible bias concerns memorization by patients from their own phone use. "They seek an explanation for their illness and tend to exaggerate their exposure," said Elisabeth Cardis. This recall bias is statistically detectable: it leads to an apparent reduction in the risk of tumor in the opposite hemisphere to the phone, as if exposing a side protected the other ...

The Interphone study will also seek to clarify the location of tumors. If 20 to 30% of the dose emitted by the electromagnetic phone is absorbed by the brain, "this exhibition is very localized," says Elizabeth Cardis. It is so unlikely that a tumor in the frontal or occipital can be attributed to radio frequencies, "she notes.


These methodological problems could explain, according to the researcher, the delay of several years in publishing the Interphone study, expected "within months". Meanwhile, Elisabeth Cardis refuses to rule on whether or not to revise the standards for radio emissions.

These are considered too lenient by a group of international experts, including Lennart Hardell. These experts made public Aug. 31, a report in which they demanded a tougher international regulations on electromagnetic waves, they are emitted by power lines, ovens, microwaves, antennas and telecommunications relay or mobile phones.

microwave, DECT, Wi-Fi and mobile measured in situ

The French Agency for Health Safety Environment and Labour (Afsset), which recommends the use of mobile "wisely" funded a study on the impact of radio frequencies in Besançon and Lyon. For a week, 400 volunteers wore a dosimeter. The three million measurements collected show that the vast majority of exposures are due to mobile phone, home wireless (DECT) and in microwave ovens. Study coordinator, epidemiologist Jean-Francois Viel note that these are preliminary results, to refine, particularly regarding the Wi-Fi, "which emits in the same frequency range as microwave wave.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Marriage Invitation Cards To Invite Friends

Mobile and WiFi - Article by The DNA

"The health risks are proven"

Mobile telephony is harmful to health, repeated endlessly and Etienne Marc Ash, founder and president of the association "Robin Roof." Novelty, "is that we now have proof," they said yesterday Bouxwiller at a meeting organized under Larz'Als.

In recent news, the EHS to electromagnetic waves has been recognized for the first time in France by social security as a disabling illness. So far, patients with disorders (insomnia, headache, dizziness ,...) near mobile phone antenna were most often treated by the medical profession as sick psychological ...
But the mobile phone carries many other health risks, denounced the ashtray father and son, Robin association Roofs, Bouxwiller came yesterday at the invitation of the CGT, Attac and the Peasant Confederation for a conference. And besides, two new independent studies published this summer corroborate their claims. "It's even the first time a study on the subject uses the word proof," said Marc Ash, referring to the work of American scientists establishing a link between electromagnetic waves and breaks in DNA. More recently, a team of researchers from the University of Clermont-Ferrand, just highlight ("no possible doubt") the effects of radiation from electromagnetic fields of 900 MHz (the highest frequency used by mobile phones) on the functioning of genetic plants.

"triple-A toxicity"

The proof of the genotoxic effect of wireless technology (wi-fi is concerned) could well make things happen for the precautionary principle be applied finally.
"At the time, said Stephen Ash, telephony Mobile was launched but no studies have been conducted on its impact on health. "
Then, the operators have consistently rejected all reports on the subject and troublesome "the authors suddenly found themselves without a budget for further research."
Yet the microwave signals used to carry a pulsed mode coupled with the very low frequency of the signals induced "triple toxicity. The microwave has a heating effect (risk of overheating of the body tissues), the very low frequency interferes with our frequencies internal "including those of brain and impulses cause" disruption microsaccades microbiological processes ". With risk of brain tumors, deregulation of physiological rhythms, thus breaking the DNA of cancer, etc..

A cautionary threshold

"This is not to abandon the mobile, but insists Etienne Ashtray operators impose a maximum exposure limit of 0.6 volts per meter cons 41 V / m at present . It is a warning threshold that works perfectly well, without problem also applied to Salzburg in Austria and Valencia in Spain. But obviously should add that issuers and operators would be more expensive ... "
Pending the adoption of this level of exposure without impact to human health, some advice: no laptop for less than 15 years, does not carry his mobile near the heart or genitals, using the atrium, not call that in conditions of maximum reception (the radiation emitted by the device increases with the difficulty of connection), do not phone in the car even stopped (the effect known as Faraday cage amplifies radiation injury), at night, keep the laptop of your head and of course limit the number and call duration.

Simone Wehrung
Edition Sun October 7, 2007
Latest News from Alsace

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Hunger Following Stomach Flu

warning signals of the wireless network

risks pulse waves were recorded in a new U.S. study. Calls to toughen standards increase. In Germany, caution is recommended at home.

R isk increased childhood leukemia, brain cancer, Alzheimer's, acoustic disturbances, nervous disorders varied, modified DNA, sleep disorders is a new warning message that launched a score of American Scientists, Physicians for the most part.

Posted on Friday, their voluminous report "Bio Initiative (1) a synthesis of hundreds of studies on the health impact of electromagnetic fields on humans:" The unhindered deployment of wireless technologies is likely to be risky and difficult to counter if the corporation does not timely decisions on new exposure limits , the report concludes. As it is not realistic reconstruct all electric distribution systems in the short term, steps to reduce exposure linked to existing systems must be initiated and encouraged, particularly in places where children spend time "

You can not see, feel it, taste it? " Electromagnetic pollution is yet the most pervasive exposure to which humans are subjected in the West, experts note . Our society can no longer afford to wait before acting "

Wait, is yet the credo of the World Health Organization (WHO), whose reassuring speech (see page 3) is the opposite signs of scientific concern since launched nearly six years (hits Freiburg in 2002, Helsinki in 2005 and of Benvento in 2006). New echo these concerns, the debate on the possible banning of Wi-Fi in schools in Britain. For its part, the German government has discouraged the use of wi-fi at home and "prefer as much as possible the use of traditional wired solutions rather than wireless connections"

And in Belgium? "We currently working on a new note on this issue , says Professor André Vander Vorst, a member of the Higher Health Council (SSC) in Belgium and the Netherlands. It should be completed in December. I simply recall that, if we want to act in a prudent manner, it should consider the amount of exposure to which an individual may be subjected. That is why the Federal Supreme Council had recommended in 2004 not to exceed 3 volts per meter - in any place and at any moment "

Ignoring this recommendation, the federal government preferred outgoing adopt a royal decree requiring operators do not exceed 20.6 volts per meter. Six times more than the recommendation advocated by scientists, but two times less than the maximum recommended by WHO. "The WHO recommendations are outdated and reflect only the thermal effects of electromagnetic fields on health thundered John Delcoigne, association Teslabel. But the health effects are already apparent at levels well below three volts per meter recommended by the Board of Health The association, which appealed to the State Council, hopes to repeat the cancellation of federal standards, as in 2005. And confront the next government to the need for new standards on floor despite the outcry from the industry.

Meanwhile, the smog is more dense: 8,000 relay stations are listed on Belgian soil - and if we are to believe the prophecies concerning the "third generation telephony, this figure should increase by 50% by the end of the decade.

Vigilance, then? "The emphasis on the risks of wi-fi, but In my view, the digital wireless phones type "DECT" used in private homes are a far greater danger , says André Vander Vorst. This legacy technology industry can manage a dozen communications simultaneously and continuously transmits 24 hours 24 in the home. So that the intensity of the emitted field is much higher than the radiation from antennas GSM

Should we therefore focus on the good old wireless? For the Belgian scientist, extreme caution must prevail until 2015, when the decline will be sufficient to judge the impact Global mobile health. And if they can not ban certain technologies like these type phones DECT, a member of the Supreme Council expects public authorities to require manufacturers to inform consumers about the power of these phones and other baby-phones "Wireless. Then perhaps one day to see this wording: " This unit can seriously harm your health. "

The press report Bio Initiative

Journal Le Soir : Should we be afraid of the wireless network?

Sunday, July 29, 2007

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The dangers of GSM (Report)

Celebrate Of Congratulation


Ségolène Royal,
Michel Guillot (Prefect of Upper Rhine), Mr Reitzer
(MP), Ms Martine
Diffor, Mr. Bilger
Vincent (Mayor of Bourbach-Le-Haut),


To enable you to have more information than normally distributed by mobile operators, I invite you to watch this story done by our Belgian neighbors. (Including legislation on the issue of powers of base stations will not tolerate more than 3 V / m against 21 V / m before)

Click on the links to see the videos:
Video 1
Video 2

You are all aware of a proposed cell tower on Bourbach-Le-Haut (Alsace - Haut Rhin), angry that more than half the population of this village.
204 villagers and a thousand people outside the village signed a petition asking Mr. Bilger Mayor Vincent Bourbach-Le-Haut to abandon the implantation This rural mobile phone antenna on the village and surrounding area for different reasons.

1. Proved and proved how dangerous microwaves on the human organism evidenced by hundreds of independent scientific studies around the world.

2. Terrestrial coverage existing on the village and surrounding areas.

3. The incentive to consumption of toxic and dangerous for children and adolescents more sensitive to electromagnetic waves than adults.

4. The lack of information, transparency of the project and consultation with the people of the operators.

5. The desire to preserve a unique living environment that respects the environment and public health.

  • Finally, we still have our old and very good wired phones to contact us. The
  • emergencies are reachable by a mobile the 112 via a satellite network.
  • For commercial and once hooked the laptop at home, the call transfer a laptop to a fixed working perfectly.
  • Can not least, it is unacceptable to incur unnecessary risk to the citizens of this village, for any other purpose than to satisfy the lobby mobile telephony.

priority concern for the welfare of the majority of its inhabitants rather than the profit of a few is the willingness of our Vincent Mayor Bilger, why we actively support and hope this will be our daily bread.

(Click on image to enlarge )

On this undoubted commitment and most respectable I ask you to support our struggle, friendly our environment and our fundamental right to all, access, remains well-being and health.

Please send us your commitment and support possible.

My cordial greetings

Olivier Cellier

Class Member "A World Without Waves Bad" by The High-Bourbach
Contact: 03 89 38 85 87 Farm Inn - The Buissonnets - by e-mail:

The Economist Vs Businessweek

Letter Letter Mayor Bourbach-Le-Haut, Mr. Bilger

Mr. Bilger

Suite the last city council, I learned that you abandon the project of the antenna relay Baesalbach to eventually move to the Col du Schirmer. is worse than anything and much more dangerous , the neck of Shirma located a few hundred meters from the village. The collective
UMMO, "A World Without Waves Bad" from Bourbach-Le-Haut, yet you sent many scientific papers, and journalistic associations, proving the harmfulness of electromagnetic waves on the environment.
searches and reports are not funded by the operators themselves, you will agree ...

Also, why you persist in add a wireless network already existing Bourbach-The-Top? While
Bourbach-The Netherlands and covered much less plaintiff could benefit from this famous antenna angry that more than half of your village! Be careful though to inform them of the dangers they face their wish ...
(cf. 204 villagers signed petition against the installation of the antenna Bourbach-Le-Haut and near a thousand signatures and outside the village ). A visit to Ferme Auberge "The Buissonnets" Tel: 03 89 38 85 87

It would be wise not to repeat your mistakes et celles de vos collègues, et penser cette fois à une concertation avec la population pour le prochain projet au Col du Shirm. Les villageois sont en première ligne, ces ondes traversent leurs murs, leur organisme. Nous rentrons dans leur intimité et liberté, il y a là atteinte au droit fondamental de tous, au bien-être et à la santé.

Ne pas tenir compte de leur avis, ne serait pas très démocratique et socialiste.
Souvenons-nous du programme du PS, qui proposait l'excellence environnementale, que vous avez de votre nom soutenu sur la plaquette publicitaire de Ségolène Royal, ainsi que vos collègues locaux socialistes.

D'un autre soutien that you bring to Martine Diffor (PS) during the last legislative elections.

Until you hear on the subject, a recent and serious article on electromagnetic waves.

HS Health Practice No. 5 Electromagnetic Waves

the same time, I invite you to reread the bill 2491, and the charter on the following Environmental joint.

French Constitution: The Charter of the Environment

Mr. Bilger, my greetings.

Olivier Cellier

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

How Do You Make A Tech Deck Live Account

poster campaign

is our ability to mobilize and our organization will make all the difference.

I tells you where the posters were pasted. Thus the
strolling around you can tell me if they are torn or covered, so one of us to pick them.

Posters and seal glue on the farm are in Joel and Claire. Remember when pasting daubing the poster glue once it is apliquée on the support

if you have any ideas where to paste the posters ...

Posters are pasted:

- 2 Hundsruck posters are glued to a wooden hut on the foot path that leads to momument shock troops and the other on the other side of the road on a pallete .

- Two posters Steinby way (they are torn régulierent), one early and one down the road.

- 1 poster is glued on the billboard in the parking lot free of the town hall Bourbach High

- a poster on the billboard free Bourbach down just after the restaurant in the Crown.

I toured the town of Thann and I spoke at City Hall, there is no billboard free. To see if the glue on hoarding or other.

COW SIGN - Two signs are street Rochelle (soon a third)
- A street Joffres
- A street of coal
- Soon a street Shirma
- A road Bourbach down (in trees)
- one on the antenna site

It should stay about eight, I think we can do even if the need arises

Jean-Marc BEX, Laura Rodrigues, Françoise EBERHARDT.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

How Wide Is Corrugated Iron

Testimonials and feedback from petitioners

No antennas should be put in place now, pending the establishment of a REAL regulatory power (0.3 meter VLT for UMTS) and the protection of our environment. Regards Marty

for Collective bordering Franceville

I support you because I am in the same battle in Ablis (Yvelines)
------------------- -

I support you because I am in the same battle in Ablis (Yvelines)

I lived in Thann, I like the surroundings of Hunsruck which are places of rest, healing, this nature will also be polluted and residents of ESH next!
what joy to climb Tannerhubel!
DP (67)

At Montfort l'Amaury the municipality to give permission to install an antenna disguised as a tree 20m height with 13 transmitters Bouygues / SFR, riparian stop suspension obtained by TA
Versailles, the work continued even when
. Operators going beyond justice.
BL (78)

it seems to me that this murderous madness happens all comments ....
JM (44)

here and elsewhere, anywhere in France As it is not possible to do so without any harm.
I suggest elsewhere, where the municipality would go further to install the antenna on the roof of the mayor's house!
PB (04)

-------------------- I'm against the settlements of masts, irrespective of the place, under the principle precaution.
FS (38)

Mayor and elected officials like it as much as we Bourbach beautiful landscape offered up?
I doubt it!
SG (68)

As an elected mayor would hear the request of his constituents instead of give satisfaction to the operators. The living environment must be preserved so that local residents are not affected by pollution that they do not ask. Masts generate electromagnetic fields hazardous to health.
CM (92)

-------------------- I support my daughter and son who live up Bourbach
CS (68) ---

more of us to stand up to this pollution, we will hear more policies.
PS (42)

if the mayor is so close to its antenna, which installs on the roof of his house or in his yard and go in a few weeks (or even much less).
PB (04)

Liège is also affected question antennas, especially the district of Saint-Léonard where I live. Antennas tetra, UMTS repeaters parabolic wi-fi, indoor DECT phones ... not to mention the hidden antennas.

Very few people sleep without sleeping pills. These antennas are installed near schools and kindergartens. A nursing home. And this is just the beginning, three UMTS antennas are planned in the middle of residential area. Stop

like me to use a laptop and any Another wireless technology, our children should not be irradiated from birth.

I totally supportive of the signatories of this petition.

AG (Belgium)

CB (68)

Friday, June 15, 2007

Music Incomplete Lullaby

Review - Letter to residents Bourbach-Le-Haut


You answered many of the petition against the mast.
Now, draw a temporary balance of our work is far from over

are signatories to the petition:

204 people Bourbach-the-top.
473 people in other towns in France
256 foreign countries

Either a total of 933 + signatures to date
933 since the beginning of the year and the petition is still small.
This realization is echoed throughout the department, France and abroad. This demonstrates one hand, the interest you have in your environment and your quality of life and also the refusal of five elected officials decide to change our landscape too seriously without any prior consultation. The base station 30 meters high will be as a wart on a pretty nose in addition there is Natura 2000 (biotop exceptional).
this green in which we live is a remarkable site and noticed by thousands of people every year. The marathon is in the Alsace Hundsruck. The monument shock troops annually hosts number of people on this historic pilgrimage. 6
footpaths identified by the IGN (National Geographical Institute) and maintained by the club Vosges meet the pass. Especially those passing through the wasperhoehe (the field of wasps) and the camp will row of the antenna. You
have understood and expressed through this petition, we live in an exceptional setting. It is our duty to preserve the beauty of this site appreciated by many.

Here are the actions undertaken since the beginning of the petition.

  • three public information meetings were held during which a film was projected on the health risks. Present Mr. Joseph BIRCKNER geobiologist, Colette MARCHAL VICE PRESIDENT Alsace Independent Ecologist Movement (MEI). Community members, the mayor and city council were absent during these encounters despite the invitations we've sent them to two of these meetings.
  • two public meetings were held at the initiative of the municipal council in the presence of the operator SFR and Doctor Lorrain.
  • Different letters on behalf of the collective and individual were sent to ComCom, councilors and the mayor. They have remained unanswered so far.
  • A response from the Prefecture has been addressed following a letter in which they take note of our concerns.
  • 2 meetings with municipal councils were held during which the petition was delivered. Two proposals furent émises.
  1. - Une demande de référendum populaire
  2. - Une demande de moratoire du projet, et créer un groupe de travail constitué en partie du conseil municipal et d’un groupe de pétitionnaires dans le but de débattre posément du projet.
A ce jour aucune réponse officielle à ces deux propositions.

Nous avons rencontré :

Monsieur Jean-luc REITZER Conseiller Général n’a rien trouvé d’anormal à implanter ce pylône à cet endroit.
Madame Martine DIFFOR candidate aux élections législatives, conseillère Régional. Elle a pris note the disagreement, it shall contact the City Council and comcom Bourbach it up to find the folder completely. She keeps in touch with us to keep us informed of these efforts.
Jean-Luc Reitzer MP. We were welcomed and listened. Mr. Reitz is very sensitive to the beauty of landscapes and its impact on humans to act on its analysis of the problem. HE wants a dialogue between all parties concerned.

We are in contact with Antoine Waechter
An information board was present at the fair Eco-bio. 160 signatures have been reported at the fair.

Letters were sent to the Director and the Chair of the Vosges park balls which have not been informed of the choice of this implementation.

National Education has been informed of the project by mail and has not given away.

A cleanup job on the site where the antenna is being done to highlight the beauty of the site for those who are already immune to the surrounding beauty. Come see this magnificent rock at the turn of a Sunday walk and imagine three buildings and an iron tower of 30 meters.

If you want to support the movement you can:

  • participate financially in an envelope to the applicant Buissonnets day openings
  • Planting a sign on your property visible from the road. (Available June 27 to Buissonnets.)
  • Join active movement. There is work for all.
  • Buy a T-shirt

You can reach us at 03 89 38 06 42

(Letter written by Françoise EBERHARDT, Jean-Marc and Joel Mansuy BEX)

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Marcelo Rios' Daughter

170 Signatures

The number of signatures for the petition now stands at 170, either 2 / 3 of the adult population of the village.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Anus Pains When Menstruating

Letter to the Mayor Mr. Bilger Oliver CELLAR

Download letter (PDF)

How To Treat Itchy Rash After Brizilian Wax


After the public meeting Wednesday, February 21, 2007 organized by the Municipality with Cmmunauté Commons Pays de Thann, the phone operator SFR and the firm Elan. 100 signatures were added to the petition.
There are currently 150 signatures against the Implatation the antenna relay Bourbach-le-Haut, which is half the adult population of the village.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Telephone Line Closed Letter

TV: New antenna relay Bourbach Upper

Bourbach Upper involves the installation of a mobile phone antenna, as several places in the village have poor reception. But the project implementation divides the village and creates a controversy.

To see the video, click on the image

Hypoalergenic Lipstick

Fabienne Keller Mayor of Strasbourg: a model

January 26, 2006

Mobile phones: Strasbourg will no longer allow installation of antenna on his property in the absence of charter with key operators

After "frozen" the siting of mobile phone antenna on buildings its heritage, the city of Strasbourg announced that it will no longer allow installation of antenna on his property in the absence of charter with key operators and pending the results of a large epidemiological study.
In an interview with the daily "The News from Alsace, Fabienne Keller, Mayor of Strasbourg said that" the current state of knowledge, most scientists believe it is unlikely that field exposure produced by mobile phone base to induce or promote cancers. However, I believe that low probability is not sufficient security to allow settling trop d'antennes».
Elle précise que le Centre international de recherches contre le cancer (CIRC), branche de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) basée à Lyon, mène une étude épidémiologique à l'échelle européenne afin de déterminer si l'exposition aux radiofréquences pouvait être en lien avec des cancers. Cette étude sera la plus importante étude épidémiologique jamais réalisée sur ce sujet et ses résultats devraient faire autorité en la matière.
Souhaitant, en attendant, que s’applique que le principe de précaution, elle rappelle qu’elle propose depuis plus de trois ans la signature d'une charte entre community and mobile operators, which would reduce the level of the waves emitted by the antennas. But, she says, "despite all attempts at mediation, none of the three major operators have agreed to ratify the document."
It is however aware that the flexibility in terms of mobile phone antenna is reduced because the city, when not building owner, n'instruit a file declaration of work. However, the jurisprudence of the State Council, the precautionary principle is not among the rules that may justify an objection to a statement of work. It is therefore the responsibility of owners to accept or refuse the establishment of the antenna.

Source: MAYOR News - The daily online news for local officials

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

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Journal Article Alsace - February 24, 2007 Journal Article

Bourbach-the-Top Antenna Relay: a meeting which is struggling to convince

Elected and residents gathered Wednesday night around a representative of the mobile operator SFR. Objective: to reassure the public about the health risks linked to the establishment of a base station on the heights of the village. A difficult exercise. The

Bourbachois moved number on Wednesday night to attend the public meeting organized by the municipality and the Community of Communes Pays de Thann, the project's installation of a mobile phone mast near the neck of Hundsruck. Evidence that the case of the base station continues to agitate the minds, as it divides the villagers.
Gathered around Marc Arnold, representing the firm in charge of ELAN prime contractor for the project, and Corey Janot, specialist health issues at SFR, the mayor of Bourbach-le-Haut, Vincent Bilger, and vice- Chairman of the Community of Communes Pays de Thann also mayor of Bourbach-le-Bas, Marie-Pierre Kolb, tried to allay fears of residents. Fears that the previous meetings held in the town had hitherto done hostility. Difficult exercise for elected officials who had to wipe the less virulent attacks.

dialogue of the deaf

While members of the group "A world without bad vibes" bring into question the necessity of implementing this new ram (see inset), politicians accuse the anti-antenna having installed a climate psychosis in the village. Thanks to several executive summary and reports published by the World Health Organization (WHO) explaining that "there is no health hazard to live near a base station, the expert was employed at SFR calm down. Without much success.
Among those who cry to electromagnetic pollution, others who protest against the project, claiming that disfigure the landscape and the Community of Communes opponents who serve as real-wielding paranoid "conspiracy theory", he was difficult to expect anything but a dialogue of the deaf. In the end, no disappointment. Each party is sticking to his positions, but expressed determination to go through.
far, the outcry not seem in any way compromising the project's continuation.

Vivian Millet

Obscure white area

The "white areas" aims to cover more than 3 000 municipalities located primarily in rural areas, priority areas of transport and tourist areas that are busy currently served by any operator. According to Olivier Cellier, founder of the group "A world without bad vibes" in Aspach-le-Haut, the classification of the village area would be white simply unwarranted. "Many operators already have a pretty good coverage, says he, it is totally wrong to talk about white area. "Aware that this obscure area of white matter is a strong argument, members of the group plan to bring the matter before a tribunal.

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DNA - February 24, 2007

Bourbach-the-Top Mobile Phone

dialogue of the deaf

The meeting was "pro" and "anti" relay antenna opposing ideas without concession from as one of the others. (Photo DNA - FS)

Sensée appease the spirits warmed by the project to install an antenna-relay mobile Bourbach-le-Haut near the neck of Hundsruck the briefing organized by the municipality has only crystallized the divergent points of view.

The controversy behind the quiet hamlet since several weeks had convinced Mayor Vincent Bilger to burst the abscess causing a briefing. Wednesday, judging by the mobilization of people, over one hundred rural home that night, it was time. Sitting alongside the mayor, Mark Arnold of the firm responsible Elan project, Corey Janot, health and environment specialist at SFR, Pierre-Marie Kolb, vice president of the community of communes of the Pays de Thann and Jean-Luc Reitzer, general counsel of the township. In the room, Olivier Cellier, author of the petition to cancel the project and Joel Mansuy, landlord-tenant Buissonnets to the pasture where the antenna must be installed. "Pro" and "anti", but also a population that had come to learn more about this famous antenna, both technologically and health.

Information, disinformation

But after three hours of trading fed, sometimes passionate and often too technical, was very clever one who could tell whether the population was distributed reassured or not a meeting at which the arguments of each other have been consistently telescope. One side has defended the service to the people and land, the other the precautionary principle and the freedom of choice. Everyone takes his stance. Dialogue of the deaf. The idea of a referendum on popular initiative has been launched to resolve the issue, but apparently it without collecting the support of Mayor concerned above all to appease the spirits. Ultimately, no consensus was reached This meeting of "information" for supporters of the proposed antenna, "disinformation" by its opponents. The only certainty is the start of construction for the middle of the year. Fred Stenger

© Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace, Saturday, February 24, 2007. - All rights reserved

Monday, February 19, 2007

Where Is Long Dong Silver Free Mobile Clip

Testimonials and feedback from petitioners

APURSETAP Our association has prevented the installation of antennas in the Bolazec Finsitère simply by informing the public in a letter distributed to every mailbox. Mayor aware of the issue said: There will be no antennas Bolazec! (See website Green Brest in Telephony category)

If the waves were stained, there would be nothing left but at the same time we would see more clearly.
How many deaths and debilitating illnesses Will til before the reaction of decision-making powers?
reaction may be the day when the cost exceeds the benefit of diseases caused by bad air.

Why do not you take into account the official reports of independent scientists whose studies are funded by any operator and the antennas are harmful? That is democracy?
R. (67)

(...) Bourbach-Le-Haut est un village attractif pour son cadre et sa qualité de vie, un tel bouleversement déséquilibrerait les rapports entre acheteurs et vendeurs de biens immobiliers faisant chuter la valeur du patrimoine de la plupart des Bourbachois tout en leur faisant prendre le risque de voir leur espérance de vie perdre quelques années.
Il est absolument scandaleux qu'il soit envisageable qu’un type puisse avoir le pouvoir au prétexte qu’il a été élu de faire perdre à ses électeurs une telle quantité d’'argent qui pour l'ensemble des villageois doit se chiffrer à plusieurs millions voire plutôt dizaine de millions d’'euros.
Et for whose benefit? Some companies for which this operation will probably never earn that much money!
I have family in Bourbah-Le-Haut, it has 3 houses, one building and several acres of land, whether that risk
caused a decrease in the side of the property only 10% (which in my opinion would be the best case), it would diminish the heritage of my family tens of thousands of dollars at a minimum!)
Also, I have informed the makers of this if I had to idea of destroying such an antenna, I do not expose myself to a few months in prison (Jose Bove for the destruction of fields has not bailed over despite many relapses), compared to tens of thousands of dollars that would not lose my family. (...)
B. (70)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sleeping More On Celexa

Letter to local political Joel Mansuy

Joel Mansuy-Ferme Auberge des Buissonnets
Bourbach-THE-TOP, IE 07/02/2007

Gentlemen policies, Mr.
Baeumler, Mayor of Thann and President of ComCom,
Vincent, our Mayor and I'investigateur project
Mr. Kolb and gentlemen, ladies elected to our villages and ComCom Thann,

Today I have a very deep wound to the heart, they want to kill my land, my pasture.
Between this land and me is a love story that has lasted 27 years. I love my mountain as it is and not as you want it to be an infernal machine should be set up on my pasture, a tower 30 meters high for mobile telephony.
Know, gentlemen, I will not let you do, I stop your murderous madness by the wayside, and if this tower one day, picks up, is that I will be on land, but proud I fought. We
other in the countryside have values and I lose my honor if I let you do, I dare watch over children in the eye.
is why today je m'élève contre la folie des hommes et surtout la vôtre, Messieurs, et je défendrai mon pâturage comme on défend un pays. Et pour tous les gens qui ont peur que l'ambulance n'arrive pas à l'heure par manque de réseau, il y a des endroits qui offrent beaucoup plus de commodités.
Nous sommes là pour notre montagne, pour la préserver, l'aimer, pour tout le bonheur qu'elle nous a déjà donné.

Un fermier en colère et déterminé.

Bladder Infection Withbrown Discharge

Bourbachois Letter to Joel and Claire Mansuy

Ferme des Buissonnets
Ancien élu de Bourbach-le-Haut pendant 12 ans.

Aux Bourbachoises, Bourbachois, à their children, grandchildren,

Our elected officials have proposed mobile phone antenna to improve, it seems, the communication between human beings.

I think they are sincere in their efforts to improve comfort and make progress accessible. However, like many of us, they are poorly informed about the results alarmist, scientific studies, to our health.

The location chosen for this antenna is located near the road between Hundsruck and Baeselbach.
I thought initially it was a long-term project, as myself, I do suistoujours not specifically informed of the location, while under indirect information, I learned that this huge tower, will be located on one of my pastures.

Am I too far from the world and under-informed? Were you asked if you want to spoil your mountain view ar a protuberance dangerous monster of steel 30 meters tall? The landscape is disfigured
forever. Landscaped appearance have occurred but only a small part of

Let dangerousness:
* We are told that to the remote village, air pollution is "acceptable," but we paid cites studies by multinational telephone, and if we do not independent studies are numerous.
* In addition, a 300 m radius around the pylon, is now recognized as hazardous, because many towers were moved due to health problems in many countries.

At this point, what will happen?
Soil Will it be bombed and reheat microwave, and flora and fauna around processed?
What will the security perimeter where my cows will no longer graze? The path goes
Baeselbach will he closed to those who loved to walk ? For mothers, their carriages, their children, townspeople came to "recharge" (sic)? No more long moments when we contemplate the landscape without risk to our health.

For my part, I am in awe of young parents in the village trying to ask the right questions
before it's too late to I'avenir and health of their children.

Under the guise of you "improve" life, multinationals do not think once more that their profit to their shareholders and hungry, we prepare the next generation of mobile videophone G3. A lucrative market.

Residents, elected officials, open your eyes, do not let fall asleep or become heads of departments within these large lobbies.

Me, I rise before it is too late for that, I will inform all those involved in public health
o Directorate of Veterinary Services.
o Directorate départementaled I'agriculture
e o o Chambred'agriculture
Parc des Ballons d'Alsace Alsace Nature

o o u départementaled Tourism Association
o Farmers Association Innkeepers
o Natura 2000 (Waechter Cabinet has approved the draft ComCom!)

Inhabitants Bourbach be vigilant and someday you to tell your children, grandchildren, you have managed to preserve for them this little corner of paradise.

I wrote this letter after much reflection and to be consistent with my conscience and I dedicate it to our grandchildren and Jules Maxime 3 years 1 year.

Silence is death.

Joel Mansuy and his wife Claire.

Bhavishyafal By Date Of Birth


30 new signatures from residents Bourbachois for the meeting of Tuesday, February 13, 2007. 8 External
BRAVO Joel and Claire

Monday, February 12, 2007

Tally 7.2 Memory Access Violation

Testimonials and feedback from petitioners

I counted over a hundred branches in my city, people are not warned, some are less than 50 m from a nursery, a neighborhood where people suffer from low leukemia! It's scary and shocking.
G. (Liege - Belgium)

We are in a dictatorship of the powers of money - is it still necessary to stress? - Disregarding the health of residents
I hope that your opposition will succeed in being heard!
M. (Paris)

I am to you and I can sympathize that by signing this petition, mobilize, and you win.
P. (42)

No antenna should be put in place now, pending the establishment of a REAL regulatory power (0.3 meter VLT for UMTS) and the protection of our environment.
M. (93) Antennas

relay: weapons of mass destruction.

Mobile phones equals holocaust Electromagnetic
cancer, depression, insomnia, hypertension, violence, suicide, infertility, impotence, visual disturbances, Alzheimer's, birth defects, etc. ... Visit
Good luck.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

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Comment Comment

On "Radio System Test conducted with two operators ..." : I live

Aspach High and I'm angry. I just found randomly a walk, a phone antenna was installed less than 500 meters from my home without us being informed clearly .. So I understand your struggle and approval. It must indeed be "inconvenient truths" as the title of Al Gore, apparently because the information is distorted and obscured even in some cases. - Nothing about installing this antenna - nothing on the project's future Aspach High incinerator for which our first two judges voted. - By cons, we've been inundated with advertising - on cable installation - the arrival natural gas in our town. Despite scientific studies, the "precautionary principle" is a collection of jokes when he goes against enormous economic challenges. Public health is completely obscured in the name of fallacious arguments to defend projects that could greatly happen. This is intolerable. Democracy does not work normally. We must denounce it.

L. A resident of Upper Aspach

Black And White Vintage Maps

On the article in the Journal L'Alsace "Town Hall: no alarmism"

"the human body absorbs five times more frequencies FM radio and television as mobile "
argument of the town hall is not valid, even if it comes from the sacred (WHO fact sheet 304): these are frequencies lower, with smaller photons that do not interfere with our body. Point photoelectric effect with FM / TV, but by cons with the frequencies 10 times higher (2 GHz) of UMTS, WLAN , wimax. The photoelectric effect is an electric shock through the skin, eyelids, cortex, electric low but permanent in the case of these antennas that work all the time. Too bad that WHO and deliberately ignores quantum physics and Einstein's work, as well as the persistence of radiation and takes into account the thermal effect is negligible as the "official experts" in the case of "weak" irradiation from these antennas.

Should we recall that X-rays have been declared dangerous 12 years after the establishment of the WHO, 50 years after asbestos. For passive smoking as a strong warning was long overdue. If I could choose where my taxes, there would not have a penny to this organization desperately slow to protect us, unable to learn from the past, pig deaths and disasters before reacting. In Belgium

fortunately, mayors are increasingly on the side of citizens and not get wet on balance too much in claiming that since there are so many doubts and protests, it is better to rely on good old adage "no smoke without fire" and apply the precautionary principle! The Belgian Parliament is beginning to follow suit. Is that we approach the elections at home. Your mayor is there thought to the election?
